Word 2016

Insert footnotes and endnotes

Footnotes are short notes at the bottom of the page that provide explanations, additional comments, or an understanding of a particular word or phrase in the document content. Endnotes are the same as footnotes but appear at the end of an entire section or document.

How to create numbered headings in Word

Some document types or requirements need headings numbering. It's easy to add numbering for one level of headings in the Word document. Word works with the numbering for any style in the same way. See how to work with lists in Word:

How to add the current heading text to the header or footer

Often, the header or footer contains a page number and the document information such as file name, file path, author, date, etc. Sometimes you need to insert the heading of the current chapter or just a heading of a specific level in the header or footer:

How to create vectors in Word

A vector is a mathematical object characterized by magnitude and direction. To define a vector, you can use:

How to create captions for equations

When you add formulas to your document, it may need to to add captions - right-justified automatic numbering on the same line as equation. It is easy to add captions for the equation:

Working with Microsoft Equation

An equation is a mathematical statement that two mathematical expressions are equal (indicated by the sign =). Microsoft Equation helps you type fractions, exponents, integrals, and so on in Word documents. In addition, Word allows you to insert an equation from the Gallery, create a new equation, edit, change, or delete a part or the entire equation.

Create a Bibliography, References, or Work Cited

If you use citations in your Word documents, you might need the bibliographic items for each source that you have referenced. Microsoft Word offers a useful tool to create a list of these bibliographic references, also named as Bibliography, References, or Works Cited, as a list of the citations added in the document.

Working with headers and footers

Requirements for book, reports, thesis, and other documents, in addition to page numbers, demand a piece of additional document information located at the top or bottom of each page. To display duplicating information such as a document title, author or responsible person name, date of the last modification, etc., use the Header at the top of every page or the Footer at the bottom of every page.

Table of Figures and Table of Contents switches

Word inserts a Table of Contents and Table of Figures as a TOC field (see how to work with fields in Word). The TOC field collects entries for an appropriate Table using Heading styles, other specified styles, captions, or Table of Contents Entries.

Transform text for Table of Contents or Table of Figures

To fill in the Tables of Contents and Table of Figures according to most requirements, you need to use the formatting settings. Sometimes it is enough just to place the appropriate break signs correctly.