Lists in Word 2016

How to create numbered headings in Word

Some document types or requirements need headings numbering. It's easy to add numbering for one level of headings in the Word document. Word works with the numbering for any style in the same way. See how to work with lists in Word:

How to create captions for equations

When you add formulas to your document, it may need to to add captions - right-justified automatic numbering on the same line as equation. It is easy to add captions for the equation:

Creating a multilevel list

Multilevel lists can contain numbered lists and bulleted lists. Automatic lists are a handy feature because if you add a paragraph in the middle of a numbered list or rearrange the order of the items in a list, Word automatically renumbers the paragraphs so that they retain their sequence.

Customizing multilevel lists

You can customize an existing multilevel list (see how to create a multilevel list) or apply your specifications to the format using the Define new Multilevel list dialog box.

Customizing bulleted lists

You can customize an existing bulleted list (see how to create a bulleted list) or apply your own specifications to the bullets format using the Define New Bullet dialog box.

Creating bulleted lists

Bulleted lists, also named as unordered lists, are usually used for listing objects, comparable actions, etc. for which order is not important. Unlike a numbered list, all elements of an unordered list are separated by the same symbols, bullets.

How to create a list with restarting and continuing numbering

You can tell Word to start from any number you prefer, restart numbering from 1, or continue numbering.

Creating numbered lists

Numbered lists are similar to bulleted lists, except that instead of bullets, Word places sequential numbers in the front of the first line. This feature is handy because if you add a paragraph in the middle of a numbered list or rearrange the order of the paragraphs in a list, Word automatically renumbers the paragraphs so that they retain their sequence.

Customizing numbered lists

If you need to customize an existing numbered list (see how to create a numbered list) or apply your specifications to the number format, use the Define New Number Format dialog box.

How to create a numbering AA, AB, AC... instead of AA, BB, CC... in Word

Unfortunately, Word doesn't propose the option to change the pre-defined numeration AA, BB, CC... to the AA, AB, AC... as it required for different cases. This tip proposes step by step guide how to create the necessary numeration AA, AB, AC, etc.: