Word 2016

How to quickly insert Fraktur symbols in Word equations

Individual Fraktur letters are sometimes used in mathematics. This tip is about quick way how to paste letters in Fraktur in your document Microsoft Word.

How to quickly insert Double strike or Blackboard bold symbols in Word equations

Double strike or Blackboard bold is a typeface style that is often used for certain symbols in mathematical texts, in which certain lines of the symbol (usually vertical or near-vertical lines) are doubled. The symbols usually denote number sets (see some of usual symbols below).

How to create an equilateral triangle, a regular square, and other regular polygons in Word

For some charts or diagrams, you need to create a regular polygon – equiangular (all angles are equal) or equilateral (all sides have the same length). E.g., equilateral triangle, regular square, etc.

How to remove paragraph symbols for every line in Word

Often when you paste a formatted text to your document Word, it can be pasted with two or more paragraph symbols in every line. You can easily remove these paragraph symbols.

How to show the correct number of pages

When you work with complex document such as project documentation, book or diploma, you need to insert several pages that should be excluded from the total number of document pages. For example, if you have one document of 27 pages where 4 first pages with recommendations should be excluded from the total number of pages:

How to count number of characters, words and sentences for page or selected text in Word document

There are many professionals who need to know statistics numbers for a page or just some selected block in the Word document, such as the number of characters, words, sentences, etc.

How to see the number of characters, words and sentences in Word document

Word automatically counts the number of words in a document while you type. Word also counts pages, paragraphs, lines, and characters. To see these numbers, do one of the following:

How to turn off automatic creation of bulleted and numbered lists

When you type numbers or some special symbols (see examples below) in your document, Word automatically creates numbered or bulleted lists. Sometimes you spend a lot of time to remove automatic changes in your document. However, you can easily stop creation of bulleted or numbered lists in your document.

Change the default font for text boxes in Word

When you create a text box in your document Word, any text you type appears has the default font that can be different from version to version...

Easily organize shapes in Word

Every time you add, move or resize shapes (e.g., flowchart shapes), and very soon, it becomes tedious to align them. Fortunately, Microsoft Word proposes Gridlines that can help to organize shapes and other objects in your document.