PowerPoint 365

How to view your notes in the presentation mode

When you give a PowerPoint presentation, you might want not only to show the presentation to the audience, but also to see your presentation notes (see how to create speakers notes for the PowerPoint presentation) to help you with your speech.

How to present your PowerPoint presentation online using the Office Presentation Service

In addition to PowerPoint itself, Microsoft proposes Office Presentation Service that can help you to present you PowerPoint presentation online to the Internet audience. This service is free and requires only to create a Microsoft account, and you will not need any additional programs or services such as WebEx or GoToMeeting, etc. This feature was known as the 'presentation broadcast service' in the previous versions of PowerPoint.

Some features of the Presenter view

When you present your PowerPoint presentation, you want to show the presentation to the audience and see speakers notes to yourself (see how to create speakers notes for the PowerPoint presentation) to help you with your speech.

How to make the presentation easier and more informative using Presenter view

When you present your PowerPoint presentation, you can check your speaker notes (see how to create speakers notes for the PowerPoint presentation) to help you with your speech. However, there are many other tools in the Presenter view that help you with the presentation, such as controlling the presentation time, highlighting some points during the presentation, or even hide the navigation between slides.

How to add additional information to your presentation

The presentation should minimize the amount of information, but give a comprehensive representation of it. However, for the discussions you may need additional information that will bloat your presentation. Fortunately, there are other ways than adding those information to the slides.

How to organize your slides

When you create a presentation, it is difficult to develop a perfect plan of slides in the very beginning. On the one side, the presentation shouldn't be too long and shouldn't contain a large number of slides. On other side, you can't be sure that any detailed information will be unnecessary. PowerPoint proposes some features to create a flexible presentation where you can manage which part of your presentation will go next.

How to create speakers notes for the PowerPoint presentation

When you prepare the presentation, you add some hints, the presentation plan, or even full text of your speech into slides of the PowerPoint presentation. Later you will be able to use these notes during the presentation (see how to view your notes in the presentation mode.)

How to insert links, hyperlinks or mail links into the PowerPoint slide

When you give a presentation, sometimes you need to show other documents (PowerPoint presentations, Excel spreadsheets, Word documents, or even some websites). Instead of searching those files on your computer, you can add hyperlinks in the presentation to be more flexible and assured.

How to create your own slide show

When you create a presentation, it is difficult to develop a perfect plan of slides in the very beginning. Very often, you don't know which part of your presentation will be interesting for the auditoria. For example, when you present the same presentation about the new project many times, the auditoria can be different.

How to create a dynamic presentation

If you have a presentation with some charts and reports you never know how often you will need to update it. E.g., you create a quarter performance report and receive a new data every hour. In this case, instead of PowerPoint tables and charts it is better to embed Excel object. The information automatically updates after updates in the Excel table.