Excel 365 2016 2013 2007 2003

Creating Your Own Menu

Creating custom menus in Excel is a funny feature you can use to create groups of the options that you use most often, and then plug them into the menu you name and use yourself.

Increase the number of Undo levels in Excel

Unlike in previous versions, number of Undo levels in Excel 2010 is 100 - the biggest number that can be used.

Starting Excel without an Empty Workbook

If you prefer to avoid the empty workbook to be created when Excel starts up, you can do so by editing the command line that is used to start Excel.

How to change the number of sheets for new workbooks

Excel automatically creates three worksheets in each new workbook, but you can force it to create as many worksheets as you need.

Excel Formula auditing tools

If you would like to better understand how some of these complex array formulas work, consider using a handy tool - Formula Evaluator:

Counting the number of unique values

You can easily count the number of unique values of the range using a simple formula.

Unique items in the list

In order to get unique items in a range you can use the Advanced Filter to extract the unique values from a column of data and paste them to a new location.

Creating a glossy thermometer chart

Thermometer chart is nice indicator of the process with well-defined measure, e.g. task status. How to create simple thermometer chart, see Creating a simple thermometer chart. This tip will teach you how make it more appealing for your audience.

Collapse the Ribbon to get more space on screen

When you need as much space as possible on screen to view a workbook, you can collapse (or minimize) the Ribbon to only its labels by double-clicking the label of the tab you're currently using.

Adding commands to the Quick Access Toolbar

Suppose you'd like to add a couple more commands to the Quick Access toolbar. Also, say you're a big fan of AutoSum. You can add the AutoSum button to the Quick Access toolbar, so you can quickly create and use AutoSum entries.