Word 365

Adjusting spacing and alignment in an equation

Word 2016 automatically handles formatting; nonetheless, you can manually adjust the spacing and alignment of equations.

How to insert an equation with fractions, square roots and exponents

This tip displays how to add an equation with fractions, square roots and exponents, for example, the normal or Gaussian distribution.

Working with Microsoft Equation

Microsoft Equation helps you add fractions, exponents, integrals, and so on to Word documents. You start building an equation by opening Microsoft Equation:

Price, sum, amount and other numbers in words

In some cases, you want to show in your Word document the number or amount in words. You can use macros, but Word proposes an easy and simple way by using fields.

How to create a citation

By inserting a citation into your document, you tell readers that certain information in your paper is borrowed from another source. Citing a source, quoting it, or just mentioning it, is the only way to use the work of other people without plagiarism.

Adding commands to the Quick Access Toolbar

Suppose you'd like to add a couple more commands to the Quick Access toolbar. Also, say you're a big fan of AutoText, which lets you assign long strings of text to a couple keystrokes. You can add the AutoText button to the Quick Access Toolbar, so you can quickly create and use AutoText to collect frequently used commands.

Importing data for subdocuments

You can create subdocuments by inserting other files into your master document.

How to save documents as .doc

By default, Word saves all documents in the newest format (*.docx), but you can change the default format to .doc or anything else.

Superimposing characters

You can use superimposing characters for easy and fast entering text without using Equation.

Turn on/off document tooltips

By default, Word shows document tooltips when you hover on a button, but this option can be turned off.