Style in Word 365 2013 2010 2007 2003

How to create a citation

By inserting a citation into your document, you tell readers that certain information in your paper is borrowed from another source. Citing a source, quoting it, or just mentioning it, is the only way to use the work of other people without plagiarism.

Use the Style Inspector

With all the different kinds of formatting that Word offers, you may sometimes find it hard to see exactly what formatting is applied to particular characters or a paragraph.
Word provides two tools to help you find out: the Style Inspector and the Reveal Formatting pane.

Using nonbreaking and optional hyphens

Use the nonbreaking hyphen, non-breaking hyphen, or no-break hyphen to avoid breaking phrases or terms at the end of the line. With nonbreaking hyphens, the entire expression or term wraps to the next line instead of breaking. An optional hyphen has the opposite effect. It allows breaking words at the specified positions.

Review the text formatting quickly using the Reveal Formatting task pane

This feature allows you to quickly review the font and paragraph formatting (and section formatting) used in your text.

Increase, decrease, and change font

This tip contains Shortcut Keys or Hotkeys for changing font size.

How to add watermarks

This tip describes how to add watermark text or picture.

11 Shortcut Keys to control font format

This tip contains Shortcut Keys for formatting.