Style in Word 365 2013 2010 2007 2003

Choose settings for checking Grammar

Microsoft Word continuously improves and polishes checks for grammar rules and orthography. There are many additional add-ons, utilities, and applications for checking style, spelling, etc., that can improve your writing, but Word itself provides enough hints for writing correct texts. However, for technical writers it becomes annoying at times. If you choose to use the grammar checker rather than turn it off completely, you can tell it which grammar items you want to check and which you don't.

Create a Bibliography, References, or Work Cited

If you use citations in your Word documents, you might need the bibliographic items for each source that you have referenced. Microsoft Word offers a useful tool to create a list of these bibliographic references, also named as bibliography, references or works cited, as a list of the citations added in the document.

Align text vertically on the page

You can align text between the top and bottom margins of a page if the text on the page does not fill the page. For example, centering text vertically often improves the appearance of short business letters or report cover pages.

Cropping a picture to a shape

It is worth to know that, instead of cropping a picture to a conventional rectangle, you can crop it to a circle, a triangle, an arrow, or even a thought bubble:

How to add and remove horizontal lines between sections of the document

Word proposes a very simple way to add horizontal lines to a document, but if you would like to remove these lines, this wouldn't be so obvious.

Duplicate table column headings across pages

If you have built a long table that extends across two or more pages, you can create a table heading from the text appearing in the first row of the table, and Word will automatically repeat that row at the top of each page.

How to enter a hyperlink containing a space into a Word document

When you are typing a document, Microsoft Word recognizes certain values, such as Web and UNC addresses (a network resource), and automatically makes them hyperlinks. However, after you enter a space, Word stops creating the hyperlink because it has no way of knowing whether you've finished the address and are now typing another word or whether the address contains spaces.

How to use paragraph borders and shading

You can use paragraph borders, but removing these borders isn't easy for somebody. This tip is how to insert and remove paragraph borders and shading.

Change the type of brackets in citations

Usually, Word surrounds citations by the round brackets (see How to create a citation for more details). But you can insert a citation in the square brackets or use other symbols.

Setting font size and styles in an equation

Setting font styles & sizes in an equation is a simple process.