Customize the horizontal axis labels

Excel provides very few options for formatting horizontal axis labels. You cannot format different axis labels with different colors or font sizes. Conditional formatting also only works in some cases. You need to implement some tricks to format the horizontal axis, for example:

How to fix the chart data

You can unlink a chart from its data ranges and produce a static chart that remains unaffected by later changes in the data.

Creating a gauge chart

A gauge, dial, or speedometer chart displays a value between 0 and 100%. Where the Goal is 100%, and the displayed value is a fraction of the Goal. The actual value can be displayed as a percentage or as a number:

Using Pie Charts and Doughnut Charts in Excel

The pie and donut (in Excel, doughnut) charts are widely used to present multiple parts of something whole. Using any of these chart types in Excel, you can demonstrate each part in one chart keeping their proportions. You can also represent the changes in those parts using a doughnut chart:

How to change default chart

When Excel is installed, the default chart is a 2-D Column chart, but you can easily change the default chart type.

Customize the vertical axis labels

Excel provides very few options for formatting vertical axis labels. All axis labels are a single object - you can change the font size and color or apply effects to all labels at the same time. Even the gradient fill with the color of the axis labels works for us as for the whole item and not for individual objects.

How to create different types of histogram charts in Excel

A histogram chart visualizes the distribution of continuous data. Each column in the histogram chart represents the frequency (amount) of the data within the specific range.

How to create one chat of split bars or small multiple bars in Excel

It is often necessary to visualize the results of voting or polls in which the answers belong to different scales. For example, when collecting data on preferences, such as choosing from the proposed persons, teams (parties); applications, browsers; gadget models; food, colors; etc. See how to organize a team color preferences survey in Outlook.

How to create simple interactive chart with radio or option buttons

Microsoft Excel has many useful tools for creating an interactive presentation of your data. One such feature is interactive controls that can be added to the Excel spreadsheet to create dynamic charts. To avoid cluttering the chart with many different data series, Excel offers using various controls, such as Option Buttons, that can be easily added and customized.

Side by side comparison bar chart

To compare two sets of data, you can create various comparison charts, such as a butterfly chart, mirror chart, tornado chart, etc., or a double-sided chart. However, comparing the values in opposite directions is not always convenient. In order to display two datasets, you can use Excel to create a side-by-side bar chart, also known as a double bar chart.