Word 365

Hiding pictures

Including a large number of in-line pictures in your documents slows down Word's performance. You can improve performance by replacing actual images with picture placeholders.

Adjusting picture characteristics

There is no need to use additional image editing software to create high-quality pictures for your document. Instead, you can use Microsoft Word picture editing tools to correct and improve your photos.

Transpose words using the Replace feature

Just as you did in the Find tab, you can use wildcards in the Replace tab. Here's a wildcard trick that uses parentheses and backslash wildcards to transpose words.

How to create shortcuts

If you are one of those who care about the productivity of the work and tend to use a keyboard instead of using a mouse to open menus and run commands, you might be interested in how to reveal keyboard shortcuts and add more shortcuts to Word.

The Master Document View

Word master document enables you to cross-reference items among several documents; create indexes, tables of contents, and lists that span several documents; easily assign consistent page numbering, headers, and another formatting across multiple documents; etc.
A book is ideally suited to the master document feature. Each chapter can be a subdocument, and the elements common to the entire book can be contained in the master document itself.

Viewing document and readability statistics

Writing simple and easy to understand documents is a unique ability that lays somewhere between art and science. Microsoft Word can help you to improve your writing skills by providing readability statistic metrics.

Replacing special characters

In addition to searching for and replacing text, you can search for and replace Word's special characters, such as paragraph and tab marks.

How to add a drop cap

Drop Cap is short for dropped initial capital letter. Typically, a drop cap is an oversized, single capital letter designed to stick up above a line of text or to stand out in a block of text.

Using wildcards

Wildcard characters and operators refine the search in Microsoft Word. Simple combinations of the question mark and asterisk allow you to search various word forms. More advanced options like character ranges and min/max occurrences make it even more powerful.

Printing AutoText entries

To help you manage your AutoText (Building Blocks) entries, you can print the names and contents of AutoText (Building Blocks) entries attached to the current document.