How to highlight a data point

Excel 2016
One of the essential parts of any work with data is presenting results. You can use many different charts, diagrams in Microsoft Excel or PowerPoint.

One of the informative methods is highlighting specific data points:

Chart with highlighted data points in Excel 365

The main idea of how to show this data in different colors is to create separate data series for different colors.

To create a chart like one above, follow the next steps:

   1.   Split your data by color:

  • In red will be shown the minimum value:

    = IF (cell = MIN (<data range>), cell, 0)

  • In green will be shown the maximum value:

    = IF (cell = MAX (<data range>), cell, 0)

  • In grey will be shown all the other values.

For example (here <data range> = C3:C6):

Data for the chart in Excel 365

   2.   Select the data cells (in this example, B3:B6, E3:G6).

   3.   On the Insert tab, in the Charts group, click the Insert Bar or Column Chart button:

Insert Bar or Column Chart in Excel 365

Choose Stacked Column:

Stacked Column in Excel 365

Make any other adjustments to get the look you need:

Stacked Column chart in Excel 365

To add data label for just one data point, do the following:

   1.   Right-click on any data series (in this example, the maximum value) and choose Add Data Labels -> Add Data Labels in the popup menu:

Add Data Label in Excel 365

   2.   Right-click on the added data labels and choose Format Data Labels... in the popup menu:

Format Data Labels in popup menu Excel 365

   3.   On the Format Data Labels pane, in the Label Options tab, in the Numbers group:

  • In the Category drop-down list, select Custom,
  • In the Format Code field, type the new format for labels:

    <format for the positive value>; <format for the negative value>; <format for the zero>:

    Format Data Labels in Excel 365

    To skip the negative values and zero, just leave them empty. For more details, see Conditional formatting of chart axes.

  • Click Add.

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