Excel 2016

How to copy computed subtotals in Excel

When you compute subtotals in your spreadsheet, it can be necessary to select only subtotals and copy them to another sheet for future processing. If you select subtotals and copy them using copy-paste (Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V), Excel pastes all source data with subtotals. This tip demonstrates the workaround that allows you to copy just rows with subtotals.

How to create an equilateral triangle, a regular square, and other regular polygons in Excel

For some charts or diagrams, you need to create a regular polygon – equiangular (all angles are equal) or equilateral (all sides have the same length). E.g., equilateral triangle, regular square, etc.

Change the default font and style for shapes in Excel

When you create a shape in your spreadsheet, it is created with the default style and any text that you type has the default font.

Conditional formatting for weekends

When you create a data table with daily records, you can need to highlight weekends or other specific days. You don’t need to open a Calendar and do it manually; Excel proposes conditional formatting that can help you do it without any calculation.

How to calculate the number of work days for a four-day workweek

When calculating the difference between two dates, you may want to exclude weekends and holidays. Excel proposes a standard formula for calculating the number of workdays for standard, five-day workweek. Also, Excel proposes a formula for calculating the number of workdays for different five-day workweek or six-day workweek.

How to count days of week between two dates

From time to time, you need to count days of week between two dates or in some date range (see How to count days of week in the range of dates). Excel proposes different formulas to work with data. It is easy to create the formula you need for this task:

How to count days of week in the range of dates

From time to time, you need to count days of week in some date range or between two dates (see How to count days of week between two dates). Excel proposes different formulas to work with data. It is easy to create the formula you need for this task:

Calculating the number of work days between two dates for unusual shifts

When calculating the difference between two dates, you may want to exclude weekends and holidays. You can see how to calculate the number of Working Days between two dates for the usual, standard working week where weekends are Saturdays and Sundays.

Hide formula errors in Excel

If you use formulas in Excel, you often can see messages such as #VALUE! or #DIV/0!. Most of the time, this means you need to check the source of the error and fix it, but sometimes a formula error simply means that the data used by the formula is not yet available.

How to select a large data range in one click in Excel

Sometimes you need to select a large data range. This tip shows how to select rows, columns, rectangular, or free form ranges in a few clicks.