How to quickly insert Script symbols in Word equations

Word 365
In mathematics often is used a script Latin alphabet. This tip is about quick way how to paste letters in Script in your Microsoft Word document.

Some more popular letters in Script:

  • A basis of a vector space or of a filter denoted by the 𝓑.
  • Electromotive force (denoted 𝓔 and measured in volts), refers to voltage.
  • 𝓗 represents the Hamiltonian in Hamiltonian mechanic.
  • 𝓛 represents the Lagranian (sometimes just L) or Exposure in particle physics.

To type the symbols in Script in the Microsoft Word equation (to insert equation into your text, click Alt+=), do one of the following:

  • Type \script + capital or lowercase letter:
𝓐 - 𝓩 \scriptA - \scriptZ
𝓪 - 𝔃 \scripta - \scriptz
  • Under Equation Tools, on the Design tab, in the Symbols group, click the More button:
    More symbols in Word 2016

    In the top of list of symbols choose Scripts:

    Scripts in equations Word 2016

    In the Scripts list, in the Scripts group, choose the symbol you prefer:

    Scripts in equations Word 2016

See also this tip in French: Comment insérer rapidement le symbole cursif dans l'équation Word.

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