How to quickly insert Double strike or Blackboard bold symbols in Word equations

Word 365
Double strike or Blackboard bold is a typeface style that is often used for certain symbols in mathematical texts, in which certain lines of the symbol (usually vertical or near-vertical lines) are doubled. The symbols usually denote number sets (see some of usual symbols below).

To type the symbols in Double strike or Blackboard bold in the equation Microsoft Word (to insert equation into your text, click Alt+=), do one of the following:

  • Under Equation Tools, on the Design tab, in the Symbols group, click the More button:
    More symbols in Word 2016

    In the top of list of symbols choose Scripts:

    Scripts in equations Word 2016

    In the Scripts list, in the Double-Struck group, choose the symbol you prefer:

Double-Struck in equations Word 2016
  • Type \double + capital or lowercase letter:

Capital letters in the Double strike or Blackboard bold:

Symbol Code Description
Double-Struck A in Word 2016 \doubleA Represents the algebraic numbers or affine space in algebraic geometry.
Occasionally represents the algebraic numbers, the algebraic closure of (more commonly written Double-Struck Q with bar in Word 2016 or Double Q with bar in Word 2016), or the algebraic integers, an important subring of the algebraic numbers.
Double-Struck B in Word 2016 \doubleB Sometimes represents a ball, a Boolean domain, or the Brauer group of a field.
Double-Struck C in Word 2016 \doubleC Represents the set of complex numbers.
Double-Struck D in Word 2016 \doubleD Represents the unit (open) disk in the complex plane (and by generalisation 𝔻n may mean the n-dimensional ball) — for example as a model of the Hyperbolic plane. Occasionally 𝔻 may mean the decimal fractions (see number) or split-complex numbers.
Double-Struck E in Word 2016 \doubleE Represents the expected value of a random variable, or Euclidean space, or a field in a tower of fields, or the Eudoxus reals.
Double-Struck F in Word 2016 \doubleF Represents a field. Often used for finite fields, with a subscript to indicate the order. Also represents a Hirzebruch surface or a free group, with a subset to indicate the number of generators (or generating set, if infinite).
Double-Struck G in Word 2016 \doubleG Represents a Grassmannian or a group, especially an algebraic group.
Double-Struck H in Word 2016 \doubleH Represents the quaternions (the H stands for Hamilton), or the upper half-plane, or hyperbolic space, or hyperhomology of a complex.
Double-Struck I in Word 2016 \doubleI The closed unit interval or the ideal of polynomials vanishing on a subset. Occasionally the identity mapping on an algebraic structure, or an indicator function, or the set of imaginary numbers (i.e., the set of all real multiples of the imaginary unit, more commonly indicated i ).
Double-Struck J in Word 2016 \doubleJ Occasionally represents the set of irrational numbers, R\Q (\).
Double-Struck K in Word 2016 \doubleK Represents a field, typically a scalar field. This is derived from the German word Körper, which is German for field (literally, "body"; cf. the French term corps). May also be used to denote a compact space.
Double-Struck L in Word 2016 \doubleL Represents the Lefschetz motive.
Double-Struck M in Word 2016 \doubleM Sometimes represents the monster group. The set of all m-by-n matrices is sometimes denoted 𝕄(m, n).
Double-Struck N in Word 2016 \doubleN Blackboard bold capital N (for natural numbers set).
Double-Struck O in Word 2016 \doubleO Represents the octonions.
Double-Struck P in Word 2016 \doubleP Represents projective space, the probability of an event, the prime numbers, a power set, the irrational numbers, or a forcing poset.
Double-Struck Q in Word 2016 \doubleQ Blackboard bold capital Q (for rational numbers set).
Double-Struck R in Word 2016 \doubleR Represents the set of real numbers. >0 represents the positive reals, while ≥0 represents the non-negative real numbers.
Double-Struck S in Word 2016 \doubleS Represents a sphere, or the sphere spectrum, or occasionally the sedenions.
Double-Struck T in Word 2016 \doubleT Represents the circle group, particularly the unit circle in the complex plane (and 𝕋n the n-dimensional torus), or a Hecke algebra (Hecke denoted his operators as Tn or 𝕋), or the tropical semi-ring, or twistor space.
Double-Struck U in Word 2016 \doubleU
Double-Struck V in Word 2016 \doubleV Represents a vector space or an affine variety generated by a set of polynomials.
Double-Struck W in Word 2016 \doubleW Occasionally represents the set of whole numbers (here in the sense of non-negative integers), which also are represented by 0.
Double-Struck X in Word 2016 \doubleX Occasionally used to denote an arbitrary metric space.
Double-Struck Y in Word 2016 \doubleY
Double-Struck Z in Word 2016 \doubleZ Represents the set of integers.

Some lowercase letters in the Double strike or Blackboard bold:

Symbol Code Description
Double-Struck a in Word 2016 \doublea
Double-Struck b in Word 2016 \doubleb
Double-Struck c in Word 2016 \doublec
Double-Struck d in Word 2016 \doubled May represent the differential symbol.
Double-Struck e in Word 2016 \doublee Occasionally used for the mathematical constant e.
Double-Struck f in Word 2016 \doublef
Double-Struck g in Word 2016 \doubleg
Double-Struck h in Word 2016 \doubleh
Double-Struck i in Word 2016 \doublei Occasionally used for the imaginary unit.
Double-Struck j in Word 2016 \doublej

See also this tip in French: Comment insérer rapidement des symboles double barre ou blackboard gras dans l'équation Word.

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