Word 2016

How to create a Word app icon on the desktop

Today Microsoft Office setup program does not create Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook icons on the desktop, and you need to search the applications in the Start menu. If you want to have those icons on your desktop as before, you can create them by hand.

How to remove watermarks in Word

Watermarks in Word are used to add into the pages of your document a logo, an image, or other identifying marks, protect your content by inserting text or images over the content, defining your project's status or security requirements, etc. If you have permissions, you can easily remove them and add them from the beginning.

How to stop AutoCorrect and AutoFormat changes

When you work with external documents, templates, or some other type of documents, you often need to stop all automatic corrections in Microsoft Word. You can always undo any automatic changes to the document or even turn off all changes made in the current document editing session.

Revert AutoCorrect changes

Microsoft Word fixes some misspellings or potential errors using AutoCorrect. For example, when you type the first word of the sentence from the lowercase letter, Word automatically changes the first letter to uppercase. You will see a little blue rectangle under the AutoCorrect changes:

Switch between insert and overtype modes

In the previous versions of Microsoft Word, the Insert button on the keyboard switched between the Insert and Overtype modes. Newer Word versions don't offer this functionality; the Overtype mode is disabled in Word 2016 and Word for Microsoft 365 and newer. To enable the Overtype mode in Word for Microsoft 365 and later, do the following:

Generate random text in Word

Often you need to create a document or fill the parts of a document with random text for some reason. For example, to demonstrate features of Table of Content, to create templates, etc. Word has two hidden formulas to generate a text:

Change text language

Microsoft Word is used in different countries and many languages. For some documents such as international Agreements, you need to write the documents or just parts of the document in a different language.

Run spelling and grammar check

Word automatically checks spelling and grammar by default (you can turn this feature off, skip spelling, and grammar check for specific text). It is a good habit to check spelling and grammar after making changes to the document.

How to add certain words to the spelling exclusion list

Word provides many convenient mechanisms for working with words, abbreviations, and dictionaries. Along with creating your custom dictionaries, you can maintain the dictionary of exclusion words. For example, expressions such as “fat turkey”, or “disgusting smell” can be appropriate and formal for some texts, but phrases “fat girl”, “disgusting person” are inconvenient for many documents.

How to lock and unlock Track Changes

When you send a document for review or simply for approval, you need to know all the reviewer's changes. Some reviewers forget or ignore to turn on Tracking Changes. You can compare the original document and the reviewed version to see the differences, but it is more easily block the ability to change the document without Tracking Changes.