How to insert the mathematical and other symbols into the PowerPoint slide

PowerPoint 2016
Sometimes you need to insert the special symbols into your slide. You can use several different ways, but here you can see the fast and easy way to use the equitation block. See also How to insert Greek symbols very quickly.

   1.   On the Insert tab, in the Symbols group, click the Equation button:

Equitation button in PowerPoint 365

PowerPoint adds the equation object in the middle of the slide:

Equitation in PowerPoint 365

See also how to add an equation to Text box or other object.

   2.   In the equitation, enter any of the symbols you need using a \+Name of the symbol without any additional actions. E.g.:

Infinity symbol in PowerPoint 365 \infty - Infinity
Less then or equal symbol in PowerPoint 365 \leq - Less than or equal
Greater then or equal symbol in PowerPoint 365 \geq - Greater than or equal
Not equal symbol in PowerPoint 365 \neq - Not equal to
Partial differential symbol in PowerPoint 365 \partial - Partial differential
Summa symbol in PowerPoint 365 \sum - Summa
Product symbol in PowerPoint 365 \prod - Product Sign
Contained in symbol in PowerPoint 365 \subset - Contained in
Element of symbol in PowerPoint 365 \in - Element of
Approximately symbol in PowerPoint 365 \approx - Approximately
Union symbol in PowerPoint 365 \cup - Union

If you want to see the big symbol, enter \bigcup: Big union symbol in PowerPoint for Microsoft 365

   3.   After entering the symbol, click the space; entering a name to the appropriate symbol changed.

   4.   Click anywhere other than the equation object to exit the equitation.

Note: You can see all the Names of the symbol combinations you can use in the AutoCorrect Options. See How to quickly insert Greek symbols into your slide for more details.

See also this tip in French: Comment insérer les symboles mathématiques dans la diapositive PowerPoint.

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