Funny and amusing charts for your next presentation

Excel 365
Several different Excel features can make your presentation less boring:

   1.   You can add funny pictures and attach them to the data bars

The Competition Chart Excel 2016
The Competition Chart Excel 2013

See Creating a simple competition chart in Excel 2016, Creating a simple competition chart in Excel 2013, and Creating a funny competition chart for more details:

The Gradiented Competition Chart Excel 2013

   2.   You can use a thermometer-like chart for illustration of the team performance

Twin or double thermometer chart Excel 2016 Twin or double thermometer chart Excel 2007

See Creating a twin or double thermometer chart in Excel 2016, and Creating a twin or double thermometer chart in Excel 2010 for more details.

   3.   You can display remaining points, amounts, etc. that are left to achieve the goal

The Competition Chart Excel 2016
The Competition Chart Excel 2013

See Competition chart with residual data in Excel 2016, and Competition chart with residual data in Excel 2013 for more details.

   4.   You can create a 3-D pie chart that adds some depth to your data and helps to hide some issues

Pie Chart in Excel 2016

See Excel 3-D Pie charts for more details.

See also this tip in French: Des graphiques amusants et divertissants pour votre prochaine présentation.

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