Shape in Excel 365 2013 2010 2007 2003

Creating a twin or double thermometer chart

The thermometer chart displays the percentage of a task that's completed. See also how to create a simple thermometer chart, and how to create a glossy thermometer chart. But sometimes it will be more informative to display two results in one chart. This tip is how to create a thermometer chart with two competitive columns.

Creating a glossy thermometer chart

The thermometer chart is an excellent indicator of the process with well-defined measures, e.g., task status. How to create a simple thermometer chart, see Creating a simple thermometer chart. This tip will teach you how to make it more appealing for your audience.

Using Arrows in a Chart

The Expressiveness of business graphics sometimes determines the success or failure of the presentation, and you can achieve a better perception of the audience by using in charts intuitively obvious representation of data by arrows.

Formatting comments

Like a common text, any comments can be formatted: Excel represents many allows you to customize most aspects of its appearance, including color, border, and margins.

Changing a comment shape

Normally, cell comments are rectangular, but you can give a cell comment any shape you want:

How to insert cell content to the shape

If you are creating a chart or diagram in Excel with shapes, you might need to update the shape text automatically depending on the value in a particular cell.