Excel 2016

Microsoft Office Themes in Excel

The appearance of any Microsoft document, such as an Excel workbook, is determined by a Theme (also known as document Theme) — a combination of colors, fonts, and effects. Themes help to create creative and professional-looking documents without a professional designer.

6 charts for lively progress visualization

There are several different charts in Excel that can help you to create a perfect progress illustration.

Equations in Excel

Although Excel is used for calculating and presenting data, sometimes it is necessary to show the underlying formulas. Like Microsoft Word, Excel lets you use the Equation Editor to insert a beautifully designed math equation as a graphical object:

How to change format for diagram shapes in Excel

The Shape Format tab (the Format tab of the Drawing Tools toolbar in Excel 2016) provides plenty of options for customizing a shape outline, background, and text settings. Also, you can change spacing and size for multiple shapes at once.

Easily organize shapes in Excel

Every time you add, move, or resize shapes, it's not easy to align them by default. Excel proposes features for arranging and aligning shapes:

Set page margins

A margin is a space between the page content and the edge of the page. Excel offers three predefined sets of margins: Normal (used by default), Wide, and Narrow :

Change the page orientation

Most users do not even think about page size, margins, or page orientation when working in Excel. But these options are very important if you need to print an Excel file, save it as a PDF file, or export it to the Web page.

How to create different headers and footers on odd and even pages

Odd and even pages may have different headers and footers on printing Excel spreadsheets like different pages in Word documents.

Excel AutoComplete to automate data entry

The Excel AutoComplete feature allows you to automate entering the same text into multiple cells. With AutoComplete, you enter the first few letters of a text entry into a cell, and Excel automatically completes the entry based on other entries that have already been in the current column:

Check invalid data

Excel has a useful Data Validation feature to display messages and prevent incorrect cell entry. This feature works fine with manual data typing. However, validation messages will not be displayed if invalid data is entered into a cell by copying or filling; a formula in a cell evaluates to an invalid result; a macro enters invalid data into a cell; etc.