Shortcuts for inserting international letters

Word 365
Often you need to insert several words or letters from a language with accents like French or German. For example, to type a foreign company or person name.

Sure, you can install and use a language specific keyboard layout, but this is not advisable for rare operations. Also, you can use the Symbol dialog box to find and insert a symbol you need.

However, key combinations for different accents and other special characters in Work help faster enter foreign letters and words.

Shortcut Unicode Symbol
Latin capital letter A with grave Ctrl+` (grave accent), immediately type the capital or lowercase letter Type 00c0 or 00C0 and press Alt+X À
Latin capital letter E with grave Type 00c8 or 00C8 and press Alt+X È
Latin capital letter I with grave Type 00cc or 00CC and press Alt+X Ì
Latin capital letter O with grave Type 00d2 or 00D2 and press Alt+X Ò
Latin capital letter U with grave Type 00d9 or 00D9 and press Alt+X Ù
Latin small letter a with grave Type 00e0 or 00E0 and press Alt+X à
Latin small letter e with grave Type 00e8 or 00E8 and press Alt+X è
Latin small letter i with grave Type 00ec or 00EC and press Alt+X ì
Latin small letter o with grave Type 00f2 or 00F2 and press Alt+X ò
Latin small letter u with grave Type 00f9 or 00F9 and press Alt+X ù
Shortcut Unicode Symbol
Latin capital letter A with acute Ctrl+' (apostrophe), immediately type the capital or lowercase letter Type 00c1 or 00C1 and press Alt+X Á
Latin capital letter E with acute Type 00c9 or 00C9 and press Alt+X É
Latin capital letter I with acute Type 00cd or 00CD and press Alt+X Í
Latin capital letter O with acute Type 00d3 or 00D3 and press Alt+X ù
Latin capital letter U with acute Type 00da or 00DA and press Alt+X Ú
Latin capital letter Y with acute Type 00dd or 00DD and press Alt+X Ý
Latin small letter a with acute Type 00e1 or 00E1 and press Alt+X á
Latin small letter e with acute Type 00e9 or 00E9 and press Alt+X é
Latin small letter i with acute Type 00ed or 00ED and press Alt+X í
Latin small letter o with acute Type 00f3 or 00F3 and press Alt+X ó
Latin small letter u with acute Type 00fa or 00FA and press Alt+X ú
Latin small letter y with acute Type 00fd or 00FD and press Alt+X ý
Shortcut Unicode Symbol
Latin capital letter A with circumflex Ctrl+Shift+^ (caret), immediately type the capital or lowercase letter Type 00c2 or 00C2 and press Alt+X Â
Latin capital letter E with circumflex Type 00ca or 00CA and press Alt+X Ê
Latin capital letter I with circumflex Type 00ce or 00CE and press Alt+X Î
Latin capital letter O with circumflex Type 00d4 or 00D4 and press Alt+X Ô
Latin capital letter U with circumflex Type 00db or 00DB and press Alt+X Û
Latin small letter a with circumflex Type 00e2 or 00E2 and press Alt+X â
Latin small letter e with circumflex Type 00ea or 00EA and press Alt+X ê
Latin small letter i with circumflex Type 00ee or 00EE and press Alt+X î
Latin small letter o with circumflex Type 00f4 or 00F4 and press Alt+X ô
Latin small letter u with circumflex Type 00fb or 00FB and press Alt+X û
Shortcut Unicode Symbol
Latin capital letter A with tilde Ctrl+Shift+~ (tilde), immediately type the capital or lowercase letter Type 00c3 or 00C3 and press Alt+X Ã
Latin capital letter N with tilde Type 00d1 or 00D1 and press Alt+X Ñ
Latin capital letter O with tilde Type 00d5 or 00D5 and press Alt+X Õ
Latin small letter a with tilde Type 00e3 or 00E3 and press Alt+X ã
Latin small letter n with tilde Type 00f1 or 00F1 and press Alt+X ñ
Latin small letter o with tilde Type 00f5 or 00F5 and press Alt+X õ
Shortcut Unicode Symbol
Latin capital letter A with diaeresis Ctrl+Shift+:, immediately type the capital or lowercase letter Type 00c4 or 00C4 and press Alt+X Ä
Latin capital letter E with diaeresis Type 00cb or 00CB and press Alt+X Ë
Latin capital letter I with diaeresis Type 00cf or 00CF and press Alt+X Ï
Latin capital letter O with diaeresis Type 00d6 or 00D6 and press Alt+X Ö
Latin capital letter U with diaeresis Type 00dc or 00DC and press Alt+X Ü
Latin capital letter Y with diaeresis Type 0178 and press Alt+X Ÿ
Latin small letter a with dieresis Type 00e4 or 00E4 and press Alt+X ä
Latin small letter e with dieresis Type 00eb or 00EB and press Alt+X ë
Latin small letter i with dieresis Type 00ef or 00EF and press Alt+X ï
Latin small letter o with dieresis Type 00f6 or 00F6 and press Alt+X ö
Latin small letter u with dieresis Type 00fC or 00FC and press Alt+X ü
Latin small letter y with dieresis Type 00ff or 00FF and press Alt+X ÿ
Shortcut Unicode Symbol
Latin capital letter A with ring above Ctrl+Shift+@, immediately type the capital or lowercase letter a Type 00c5 or 00C5 and press Alt+X Å
Latin small letter a with tilde Type 00e5 or 00E5 and press Alt+X å
Latin capital letter AE Ctrl+Shift+&, immediately type the capital or lowercase letter a Type 00c6 or 00C6 and press Alt+X Æ
Latin small letter ae Type 00e6 or 00E6 and press Alt+X æ
Latin capital ligature Oe Ctrl+Shift+&, immediately type the capital or lowercase letter o Type 0152 and press Alt+X Œ
Latin small ligature oe Type 0153 and press Alt+X œ
Latin capital letter C with cedilla Ctrl+, (comma), immediately type the capital or lowercase letter c Type 00c7 or 00C7 and press Alt+X Ç
Latin small letter c with cedilla Type 00e7 or 00E7 and press Alt+X ç
Latin capital letter Eth Ctrl+' (apostrophe), immediately type the capital or lowercase letter d Type 00d0 or 00D0 and press Alt+X Ð
Latin small letter Eth Type 00f0 or 00F0 and press Alt+X ð
Shortcut Unicode Symbol
Latin capital letter C with cedilla Ctrl+/, immediately type the capital or lowercase letter c Type 00d8 or 00D8 and press Alt+X Ø
Latin small letter c with cedilla Type 00f8 or 00F8 and press Alt+X ø
Inverted exclamation mark Alt+Ctrl+Shift+!

See How to insert inverted exclamation mark in Word for more details.

Type 00a1 or 00A1 and press Alt+X ¡
Inverted question mark Alt+Ctrl+Shift+?

See How to insert inverted question mark in Word for more details.

Type 00bf or 00BF and press Alt+X ¿
Latin small letter sharp s Ctrl+, (comma), immediately type the lowercase letter s Type 00df or 00DF and press Alt+X ß

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