Open and edit PDF files in Word

Word 365
An excellent feature of Word for Microsoft 365 is opening PDF files and editing them by using all the standard Word proofing tools. When you finish, you can save the file as a document or as a PDF.

To open a PDF file in Word, do one of the following:

  • In File Explorer, right-click on the file, click Open with, and then click Word (Desktop) or Choose another app:
    Open with in File Explorer

    In the Choose another app dialog box, click More apps ↓:

    Open with in File Explorer

    Select Word from the list and click OK:

    Open with 2 in File Explorer
  • In Word, display the Open page (see how to open a document in Word), select the file location, then select the PDF file, and then click Open:
    Open dialog box in Word 365

    Note: In the Open dialog box, PDF files now fall into the category of Word Documents.

By any of these ways, Word for Microsoft 365 tries to convert the PDF file to an editable Word document:

Microsoft Word message box in Word 365

Note: If the file contains complicated formatting and layout, the Word version of the document might not be a perfect replica of the PDF, but simple PDF files are converted to clean and editable Word documents.

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