How to print hyperlinks in the Word document

Word 2016
Microsoft Word displays hyperlinks as a blue underlined text, as defined by the Hyperlink style. It shows only the fraction of the URL or anchor text like “click here”, and you need to click Ctrl+K or use the popup menu to open the Link dialog to see the full URL. If you see something like { HYPERLINK } on printing, you need to uncheck the Print field codes instead of their values option.
Hyperlinks in Word 365

Microsoft Word has two different options to control displaying (see how to display hyperlinks in the document) and printing hyperlinks. To change hyperlinks printing options, do the following:

   1.   On the File tab, click Options:

Word 365 Options button

   2.   In the Word Options dialog box, under Print, check or uncheck the Print field codes instead of their values option:

Word 365 Options dialog box

   3.   Click OK.

See also this tip in French: Comment imprimer des liens hypertexte dans document Word.

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