Generate random text in Word

Word 365
Often you need to create a document or fill the parts of a document with random text for some reason. For example, to demonstrate features of Table of Content, to create templates, etc. Word has two hidden formulas to generate a text:

   1.   To generate a Lorem Ipsum text:

Generate Lorem Ipsum text in Word 365

Type = lorem (<number of paragraphs> [, <number of sentences>]) and press Enter.

The parameter <number of sentences> is optional.

In the example above was used = lorem (15, 8).

   2.   To generate a random Office documentation text:

Generate random Office documentation text in Word 365

Type = rand (<number of paragraphs> [, <number of sentences>]) and press Enter.

The parameter <number of sentences> is optional.

In the example above was used = rand (15, 8).

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