Word 2016

How to use abbreviations for fast and error-free typing of organization and person names

Typing a long organization or person name takes a lot of time and often causes typing errors and inconsistencies. To resolve this issue you can introduce abbreviations and expand them through AutoCorrect feature.

Quick typing of mathematical and other symbols

Mathematical and other texts require a large number of special symbols that are not present on the keyboard. To simplify this task, you can assign a shortcut for frequently used symbol.

How to switch to Symbol font for fast typing of Greek alphabet

Typing mathematical symbols like Greek alphabet takes a lot of time. To resolve this issue you can switch to Symbol font and use the corresponding Latin letters to enter Greek letters.

Time saving tips with AutoText

If you're a fan of the way AutoText worked in earlier versions of Word, you may be dismayed to see it buried as one of the Galleries in the Building Blocks Organizer. Fortunately, it's as easy as ever to create and retrieve an AutoText entry using the F3 key.

How to use AutoCorrect substitutions for fast typing of Greek alphabet and mathematical symbols

Typing mathematical symbols like Greek alphabet or symbols "≤", "≥", "≠", "∞" etc. takes a lot of time. To speed up typing, you can create aliases and expand them through AutoCorrect feature or create shortcuts for frequently used symbols.

Insert current date and time quickly in a Word document

If you need to add a current date or time stamp, Word provides two shortcut keys that do this for you.