How to start a new part of a document on an odd page

Word 365
When you create a book or other specific type of a Microsoft Word document, you may need to start each new part of your paper on an odd page. This rule is a mandatory requirement of some publishers, even if it creates an empty page between two sections of the document:
New part of a document on an odd page in Word 2016

To start a new section of your document on an odd page, do the following:

   1.   Position the cursor before the title of the next part or just in the new line:

New part of a document in Word 2016

Note: As you can see, the next odd page is 9, and page 8 should be blank.

   2.   On the Layout tab, in the Page Setup group, click Breaks:

Page Breaks in Word 2016

From the Breaks dropdown list, select Odd Page:

Odd Page break in Word 2016

The new part, including the title, will appear on the odd page:

New part of a document on an odd page in Word 2016

See also this tip in French: Comment commencer une nouvelle partie d'un document sur une page impaire.

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