Word 2016

How to hide/show the space between pages

In the Print Layout view, the white space on and between pages can be displayed or collapsed:

How to insert a hyperlink in Word

When you create a document, you may need to paste links to other documents, Excel spreadsheets, or even some websites with source information. Also, you can add hyperlinks to your profile or even e-mail address.

Insert an email hyperlink in a document

Inserting an e-mail address is simpler than adding a hyperlink. Just type the email address as it is, and typing a space bar or any punctuation symbol such as comma or dot after the e-mail address, instructs Word to create an email address hyperlink automatically:

Convert documents to HTML format

The default file format for files created in Word for Microsoft 365 is the .docx format. You can easily save a document in various formats such as .doc, PDF, RTF, HTML, etc. See also how to save documents in .doc format or PDF format.

Open and edit PDF files in Word

An excellent feature of Word for Microsoft 365 is opening PDF files and editing them by using all the standard Word proofing tools. When you finish, you can save the file as a document or as a PDF.

Save documents in PDF format

The default file format for files created in Word for Microsoft 365 is the .docx format. You can easily save a document in various formats such as .doc, PDF, RTF, HTML, etc. See also how to save documents in .doc format or HTML format.

Compare two documents to find differences

When working with documents with co-authors, it is often necessary to compare two versions of the document. For example, if you forgot to block the ability to make changes to a document without tracking changes, after receiving an edited, agreed, or reviewed version of the document, you need to make sure that the resulting version of the document is identical to the original.

How to work with a large number of objects in Word

When you work with many graphical objects such as pictures, charts, text boxes, shapes, etc., it is sometimes challenging to select one of the objects - it can lay behind other objects, or it can be too small, etc.
Word proposes an excellent feature named Selection pane to help navigate between different objects and groups.

Find and replace in Word

Working with documents or spreadsheets on your computer or laptop, you can instantly find and edit text and data without manually combing through printed or handwritten pages. Word provides a very convenient "find and replace" feature that allows you to use wildcards and even find similar words.

Apply font color, highlighting, and artistic effects

Changing the font color and highlighting the background of the text are basic skills that every Microsoft Word user should master. Artistic effects are rarely used in everyday life, but applying effects is simple as changing the font color.