How to create a meeting for different time zone in Outlook

Outlook 365
When you work with colleagues in a different time zone, from time to time you need to create a meeting in their time zone. Manual time conversion takes some time and you still feel that you made an error. Instead, you can select the correct time zone when you create a meeting, you don't need to know the difference between time zones!

To create a meeting in the different time zone, do the following:

   1.   Create a new meeting (appointment) or open the existing one (you need to be an organizer). For example:

New meeting or appointment in Outlook 2016

   2.   In the Meeting (Appointment) dialog box, on the Meeting (Appointment) tab, in the Options group, click Time Zones:

Time Zones button in Outlook 2016

Outlook will add time zones next to the Start time and End time:

Added Time Zones for a meeting in Outlook 2016

   3.   Select the time zone you need for the Start time and / or End time, for example:

Changed time for a meeting in Outlook 2016

After adding participants and all needed information, you will have a meeting (appointment) for the other time zone without calculating any differences between time zones.

See also How to create a meeting for two or more time zones in Outlook.

See also this tip in French: Comment créer une réunion pour différents fuseaux horaires dans Outlook.

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