Shortcut keys for inserting Greek symbols into the equation

Word 365
In Word 2016 equation many symbols can be inserted using a \+name of the symbol:
alpha \alpha kappa \kappa varrho \varrho
beta \beta lambda \lambda sigma \sigma
chi \chi mu \mu varsigma \varsigma
delta \delta nu \nu tau \tau
epsilon \epsilon o \o upsilon \upsilon
varepsilon \varepsilon pi \pi omega \omega
phi \phi varpi \varpi xi \xi
varphi \varphi theta \theta psi \psi
gamma \gamma vartheta \vartheta zeta \zeta
eta \eta rho \rho

See Shortcut keys for inserting symbols and templates into the equation to find other frequently used symbols.

To insert a capital letter of the Greek alphabet, simply enter \+Name of the symbol starting with a capital letter:

Delta \Delta Phi \Phi Gamma \Gamma
Lambda \Lambda Mu \Mu Pi \Pi
Theta \Theta Sigma \Sigma Upsilon \Upsilon
Omega \Omega Xi \Hi Psi \Psi

How to insert other symbols and templates in an equation, see Shortcut keys for inserting symbols and templates into the equation.

How to use all these symbols outside the equation, select the option Use Math AutoCorrect rules outside of math regions in the Word Options. How to do it, see Choosing Math AutoCorrect options.

See also this tip in French: Raccourcis clavier pour entrer des symboles grecs dans équations.

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