Create lists with AutoFormat or turn it off

Word 365
You can create standard numbered and bulleted lists by typing in a way that triggers the AutoFormat feature to apply list formatting.

Do one of the following:

  • At the beginning of a paragraph, type a number, a separator, and then a space or tab. For example, type 1. and then a space or press Tab. Word automatically changes the paragraph into part of a numbered list:
    Numbering with AutoFormat Word 2016
  • At the beginning of a paragraph, type an asterisk (*) and a space or tab. Word automatically changes the asterisk to a bullet and applies a hanging indent to the paragraph. You can also type a hyphen (-) and a tab at the beginning of a paragraph to create a "bulleted" list that uses hyphens as the bullets:
    Bullets with AutoFormat Word 2016

You can turn off AutoFormat creation of numbered and bulleted lists. Follow these steps:

   1.   On the File tab, click the Options button:

Word 2016 options

   2.   Choose the Proofing tab, and then click the AutoCorrect Options... button:

AutoCorrect Options in Word 2016

   3.   In the AutoCorrect dialog box, choose the AutoFormat As You Type tab, clear the Automatic bulleted lists check box and the Automatic numbered lists check box:

AutoCorrect in Word 2016

See also this tip in French: Comment créer des listes avec Options de correction automatique ou l'éteindre.

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