Symbols in Word 2016

How to keep the text with hyphens together in Word document

When you create a document in Microsoft Word, you need to keep some text together such as two or several words together or text with hyphens. For example, you would like to keep on one line phone numbers (867-243-1849) or words with hyphens like co-founder, grand-grandmother, twenty-one, part-time, green-eyed, well-behaved, etc.

How to show/hide nonprintable symbols in a Word document

Microsoft Word has many types of nonprintable symbols such as different types of spaces, tabulations, line or page breaks, etc. The non-printable symbols are also known as Whitespace characters in typography, nonprinting characters in the previous versions of Microsoft products, or formatting marks.

How to keep two or several words together in a Word document

When you create a Word document, often you need to add some words that should be kept together even if Word wants to put them on different lines.

How to quickly insert Script symbols in Word equations

In mathematics often is used a script Latin alphabet. This tip is about quick way how to paste letters in Script in your Microsoft Word document.

How to quickly insert Fraktur symbols in Word equations

Individual Fraktur letters are sometimes used in mathematics. This tip is about quick way how to paste letters in Fraktur in your document Microsoft Word.

How to quickly insert Double strike or Blackboard bold symbols in Word equations

Double strike or Blackboard bold is a typeface style that is often used for certain symbols in mathematical texts, in which certain lines of the symbol (usually vertical or near-vertical lines) are doubled. The symbols usually denote number sets (see some of usual symbols below).

Shortcut keys for inserting Greek symbols into the equation

In Word for Microsoft 365 equation many symbols can be inserted using a \+name of the symbol:

Shortcut keys for inserting symbols and templates into the equation

In Word for Microsoft 365 equations many mathematical symbols can be inserted using the \+name of the symbol (how to insert Greek symbols, see Shortcut keys for inserting Greek symbols into the equation):

Superimposing characters

You can use superimposing characters for easy and fast entering text without using Equation.

Using nonbreaking and optional hyphens

Use the nonbreaking hyphen, non-breaking hyphen, or no-break hyphen to avoid breaking phrases or terms at the end of the line. With nonbreaking hyphens, the entire expression or term wraps to the next line instead of breaking. An optional hyphen has the opposite effect. It allows breaking words at the specified positions.