How to create a Jigsaw puzzle chart

PowerPoint 365
For the illustration of the complex organizational structure, you might think about using a Jigsaw puzzle. At first glance, pieces of Jigsaw puzzle look extremely complex, but this isn't true, and you will need a few simple steps to create an impressive Jigsaw puzzle chart.
Jigsaw puzzle chart in PowerPoint 2016    Jigsaw puzzle chart in PowerPoint 2016

To make a Jigsaw puzzle chart like this one, do the following:

   1.   Create a puzzle piece like you prefer:

   2.   After creating single puzzle pieces, you can copy them and rotate:

To rotate the selected shape, do one of the following:

  • Use the rotation handle in the top of the selecting border:
    Rotation handle in PowerPoint 2016
  • Under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Arrange group, select some commands in the Rotate dropdown list:
    Rotation in PowerPoint 2016

   3.   To create other pieces, use the Subtract operation (see how to combine shapes to create a custom shape), this will help you to make pieces more realistic:

Jigsaw puzzle chart in PowerPoint 2016

See also this tip in French: Comment créer un graphique de puzzle.

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