Settings in Outlook 2016

Creating Your Own Menu

Creating custom menus in Outlook is a funny feature you can use to create groups of the options that you use most often, and then plug them into the menu you name and use yourself.

Attaching Business Cards to all outgoing messages

In some situation you may want to send your vCard in every message. This lets recipients enter the information in their address book quickly and without errors.

Group emails in Outlook view

By default, Outlook groups your emails by conversations. A conversation is a thread of messages with the same subject. However, if you need to find relevant notes somewhere in the last week's emails or an email from a particular person, navigating emails grouped by conversations takes a lot of time, and changing default grouping settings helps to locate the information much faster.

Modifying a default view

Any of Outlook's default views can be modified to suit your needs. You can customize the fields displayed, sorting, grouping, filtering, fonts, and other formatting options.

Improved AutoComplete

Outlook uses two features to resolve and complete names entered into email messages: AutoComplete and AutoResolution.

Conditional formatting in Outlook

Usually, Outlook users use folders to organize messages, but you can also use colors, fonts, and styles. For example, you can assign a unique color to all messages from a particular person, e.g., your boss. Now, you can easily spot the emails from that person in your inbox and other mail folders.

Add and remove columns in Outlook

Outlook displays only a small subset of the available fields for messages in the Inbox and other Mail folders. The default view for the Inbox is Compact, and this view does not display any columns. You can view multiple columns in the List view and add columns, such as Cc or Sensitivity, that show additional information.