How to change Desktop Alerts settings for Windows 10

Office 365
By default, Outlook shows a Desktop Alert when you receive a new email, a meeting request, or a task request for 5 seconds, and then the notification disappears from your desktop. However, there are no duration settings in Outlook. You only can turn on or turn off desktop alerts. Hard to believe, but you will find the duration in the Ease of Access group that contains settings for people with vision problems.

Outlook notifications for Windows are convenient for busy people and save a lot of time. Alerts show the sender and the subject of the message, meeting request, and additional details like the first two lines of the email text, or date, time, and location of the meeting, or the start date of the task. However, the visibility is limited by 5 seconds, and you can easily miss a critical alert.

To increase the duration of desktop alerts, do the following:

   1.   Open the Control Panel.

See How to open Control Panel in Windows 10.

   2.   In the Control Panel dialog box, choose Ease of Access:

Ease of Access Windows 10

   3.   In the Control Panel\Ease of Access, choose Ease of Access Center:

Ease of Access Center Windows 10

   4.   In the Control Panel\Ease of Access\Ease of Access Center, under Explore all settings, click Use the computer without a display:

Use the computer without a display Windows 10

   5.   In the Control Panel\Ease of Access\Ease of Access Center\Use the computer without a display, under Adjust time limits and flashing visuals, in the How long should Windows notification dialog boxes stay open? list, choose the desktop alert duration you prefer:

Choose time for Notifications Windows 10

   6.   Click OK.

See also this tip in French: Comment modifier des paramètres d'alertes de Bureau dans Windows 10.

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