Using shortcut keys to create a chart

Excel 2016
Excel proposes an easy and very fast way to create a chart by using shortcut keys.

Excel allowed you to create a chart by selecting the data and pressing the key:

  • F11 - Excel creates a default chart on a new sheet,
  • Alt+F1 - Excel creates a default chart as a chart object embedded in the current spreadsheet.

For example, if you have data like this:

Data Range in Excel 365

Select the data range and press:

  • F11:
    Chart by Shortcut keys in Excel 365
  • Alt+F1:
    Chart by Shortcut keys in Excel 365

See more How to change default chart.

In Excel for Microsoft 365 you can create a chart via the Quick Analysis Tool - then you select the chart data, you will see the Quick Analysis feature (see more How to turn on/off the Quick Analysis Feature):

Quick Analysis in Excel 365

You can choose what type of chart should be created.

See also this tip in French: Raccourcis pour créer un graphique.

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