Using a form for data entry

Excel 2016
Usually, the data in Excel spreadsheets is presented in lists of rows, and each row represents a data record. Excel offers an easy way to work with this data type through a data entry form that Excel can automatically generate. This form of data works with a normal data range or a table.

Unfortunately, the data entry form works only with data arranged in rows. To work with data arranged in columns, first, you need to transpose it.

The command to access the data form is not on the Ribbon, but you can do one of the following:

To use the data form, follow these steps:

   1.   Arrange the data so that Excel can recognize it as a table by entering column headings in the first row of the data entry range.

   2.   Select data with headers:

Data in Excel 365

See how to select rows and columns by keyboard and the quick way to select all cells.

   3.   Click the Form button on your own menu or in the Quick Access toolbar. Excel displays a dialog box customized to your data:

Form in Excel 365


  • To move between the text boxes, press Tab.
  • You can't modify formulas using the data entry form - the formula result appears as text, not as an edit box.
  • To add a new row to your table, click the New button:
    Formula in Excel 365
  • You can also use the form to edit the existing data.

See also this tip in French: Comment utiliser un formulaire pour la saisie de données.

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