How to use Camera tool in Excel

Excel 365
When you work with some Excel elements such as tables, charts, you spend a lot of time positioning them and formatting them. Here will find the feature that Excel proposes to help you create a perfect presentation of your data.

The Camera tool isn't included in the standard ribbons of Microsoft Excel 2016, but you can add it:

To create a new picture from your table or chart, do the following:

   1.   Select data that you want to show in the screenshot.

For example:

Selected data for Camera in Excel 2016

   2.   Click on the Camera button.

   3.   Select the area where you want to paste the screenshot.

   4.   Position the screenshot where you want:

Camera for selected data in Excel 2016

You can change the screenshot parameters and positioning it when you prefer. When you change something in the source table, it will be changed in the screenshot too:

Camera for selected formatted data in Excel 2016

Note: We strongly recommend to avoid using the Camera Tool for charts. Sure, it works, but Excel still generate errors when we try to change anything in the source chart.

To create a screenshot from the chart, you need to position it in some cells and create a screenshot from cells. You can change width of gridlines or even turn off gridlines in Excel.

For example:

- The selected cells:

Selected chart for Camera in Excel 2016

- The screenshot:

Camera for chart Excel 2016

Be careful, if you change the position of that chart, the screenshot will be changed regarding to the cells data, not to the chart!

Camera for changed chart Excel 2016

See also this tip in French: Comment utiliser l'outil Appareil photo dans Excel.

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