How to remove green triangles from cells (hide auto-calculating checks)

Excel 365
When you work in Excel, by default, it automatically identifies all issues, such as incorrect data in the cell, problems with formulas, etc. So, you see green triangles (by default) shown in the top left corner of these cells.
Green triangles in Excel 2016

This green triangle identifies the possible error, but often it doesn't useful.

To turn off these green triangles or auto-calculating checks, do the following:

   1.   On the File tab, click the Options button:

Excel 2016 Options

   2.   In the Excel Options dialog box, on the Formulas tab, scroll down to the Error Checking section and uncheck the option Enable background error checking:

Error checking in Excel 2016

This is an application level setting and will apply to all open workbooks in the Excel session.

Note: You can uncheck just some auto-calculating checking rules. For this example, it is enough to uncheck the rule Numbers formatted as text or preceded by an apostrophe:

Error checking rules in Excel 2016

See also this tip in French: Comment supprimer des triangles verts des cellules (masquer les contrôles de calcul automatique).

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