Shortcuts in Excel 2016

How to insert functions into formulas

The easiest way to enter a function into a formula is to use the Excel program's Insert Function dialog box.

How to use keyboard to navigate in the spreadsheet

To move around the worksheet with your keyboard, use the key combinations:

Collapse the Ribbon to get more space on screen

When you need as much space as possible on the screen to view a document, you can collapse (or minimize) the Ribbon and then restore it very simple.

Basic Formula operators

Excel formulas support many different operators. Operators are symbols that indicate what mathematical or logical operation a formula should perform. The following are the most common operators used in Excel.

Shortcut key to switch between relative, absolute and mixed references

You can enter nonrelative references (absolute or mixed) manually by inserting dollar signs in the appropriate positions, or you can use a handy shortcut - F4 key.

Copy formulas for selected cells fast and easy

You can use "Copy" (Ctrl+C) and "Paste" (Ctrl+V) options, but there is a faster way to "copy" a formula to multiple adjacent cells.

How to enter a new line on a cell

If you have lengthy text in a cell, you can force Excel to display it in multiple lines within the cell.