How to include the total number of pages along with the current page number

Word 2016
You can easily include the total number of pages along with the current page number (E.g., Page 10 of 20).

When you insert page numbers in a document, you're actually insert the { PAGE } field.

Using the { NUMPAGES } field along with the { PAGE } field, you can include the total number of pages with the page numbering.

To the total number of pages:

   1.  Place the insertion point where you want to place the count, in the header or footer.

   2.  On the Insert tab, in the Text group, click Quick Parts, and then click Field...:

Field in Word 365

   3.  To include the total number of pages, highlight NumPages in the Field names list:

Field dialog box in Word 365

Attention! The brackets that surround fields are not the brackets on your keyboard. You can use the Insert -> Field to insert a field, but a more direct way is to press Ctrl+F9. This displays the special brackets with a gray highlight for entering a field name. To add the total number of pages to a header of footer, for example, press Ctrl+F9 and type NUMPAGES within the brackets:

numpages field Word 365

All string will be like this:

Example numpages page of in Word 365

To display the result of the field code, press Alt+F9.

See also this tip in French: Comment inclure le nombre total de pages avec le numéro de page actuel.

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