Change the default font in documents

Word 365 2016 2013 2010 2007
When you create a new blank document, any text you type appears in the default font at a font size of 12 points, which is a standard size for text in everyday documents (such as letters or reports).

If you prefer to use another font or size as standard for your documents, change it as follows:

   1.   Create a new blank document.

Simple text in Word 2003

   2.   Type a short sample sentence, and then select it. This text will give you a better preview of the font.

   3.   Right-click the selection, and then choose Font... from the popup menu (or press Ctrl+D) to open the Font dialog box:

Font in Word 2003

   4.   Choose the font, font style, font size, color, underlining, and any other effects. Watch the Preview box to see how your sample text looks with your choices.

   5.   Click the Default... button. Word displays the confirmation dialog box like this:

Default Font in Word 2003

Word doesn't change any documents you've created already.

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