Turn off red, wavy underlines for spelling errors

PowerPoint 365
If you don't want to see the red, wavy underlines on-screen, you can turn this feature off by three simple clicks:

   1.   Select Options on the File menu:

Options in PowerPoint 2016

   2.   On the Proofing tab, click the Hide spelling and grammar errors checkbox:

Proofing options in PowerPoint 2016

   3.   Click OK.

This just turns the underlines off; it doesn't prevent PowerPoint from checking to spell as you type.

To stop check spelling at all, just click Check spelling as you type checkbox:

Proofing options in PowerPoint 2016

Turning off Check spelling as you type relieves PowerPoint of a small processing burden, making it run a bit faster.

See also this tip in French: Désactiver les soulignements rouges et ondulés pour les fautes d'orthographe.

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