Rule to copy all correspondence on some subject to the specific folder
To create the rule like this one, do the following:
1. Open the Rules and Alerts dialog box by doing one of the following:
- On the File tab, in the Info view, click the Manage Rules & Alerts button:
- On the Home tab, in the Move group, click Rules and then select Manage Rules
& Alerts...:
2. In the Rules and Alerts dialog box, click the New Rule... button:

3. Choose the Apply rule on messages I receive option and click Next >.

4. Choose the condition with specific words in the subject and click specific words in the Step 2 text box. For this example, add officetooltips tips and ott tips to the search text:

5. Click OK when you finish adding the phrases to the search text and then click Next > to choose your action.
6. Choose move a copy to the specified folder in Step 1, then click specified in Step 2 and choose the OfficeToolTips folder and click Next >:

7. You probably don't want any exceptions, so click Next > again, name your rule, and click Finish.
See also this tip in French: Règle pour copier toute la correspondance avec des mots spécifiques dans l'objet au dossier spécifique.