How to work with a large number of objects in Excel
Excel proposes an excellent feature named Selection pane to help navigate between different objects and groups.
To open the Selection pane:
1. On the Page Layout tab, in the Arrange group, click the Selection Pane button:

2. On the Selection pane, you can:

- Drag and drop objects up and down in the list to reorder them.
Using reordering, you move an object forward or backward regarding other objects to the list.
- Choose to show or hide objects from the Selection pane.
To hide an object, click the icon on the Selection pane, indicating that the object is Showing
. The icon will change to a simple icon indicating that the object is Hidden
from view. To show the object once again, simply click the Hidden icon
, and it will reappear.
- Group or ungroup objects listed on the Selection pane.
You can select several objects by holding Ctrl and clicking on the objects, and then you can group or ungroup them.