How to create Waterfall chart

Excel 365
The waterfall chart is normally used for understanding how an initial value is affected by a series of intermediate positive or negative values. Usually the initial and the final values are represented by whole columns, while the intermediate values are denoted by floating columns.
Waterfall chart Excel 2016

To create a simple waterfall chart, do the following:

   1.   Add three columns with "Y empty" data, "Y plus" data and "Y minus" data (you can add a column for empty data and a new column with independent data for every unique color in you waterfall chart), where:

D: = IF (C6 > C5, C5, C6), E: = IF (C6 > C5, C6 - C5, 0), and F: = IF (C6 > C5, 0, C5 - C6)

   2.   Add rows with empty "Y" data, if necessary (in this example 6, 8, 9, 12, 14, 15 and 17) and then add two columns for continuous line (see in step 7).

Waterfall chart data

   3.   Select the data range (in this example D5:F18).

   4.   On the Insert tab, in the Charts group, choose the Column button:

Column Charts in Excel 2016

Choose Stacked Column.

   5.   Right-click in the any of first series column and choose Format Data Series...:


   6.   On the Format Data Series task pane, in the Fill group, select No fill option:

Format Data Series in Excel 2016

You can then make any other adjustments to get the look you desire.

   7.   To add the continuous line, do the following:

  1. Right-click in the chart area and choose Select Data... in the popup menu:
  2. In the Select Data Source dialog box, click the Add button:
    Select Data Source in Excel 2016

  3. In the Edit Series dialog box, choose the line points (in this example H5:H18):
    Edit Series in Excel 2013
  4. Right-click in the chart area and choose Change Series Chart Type... in the popup menu:
  5. In the Change Series Chart Type dialog box, choose Combo and then Custom Combination:
    Custom Combination Excel 2016

    Choose other parameters like you want.

  6. Edit data source for add "X" points (repeat steps 1-3, only in step 2 click the Edit button):
    Edit Series in Excel 2013
  7. Format this line.

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