How to count days of week in the range of dates
The formula WEEKDAY returns a number between 1 and 7 that corresponds to a particular day of the week. With default settings, 1 = Sunday, 2 = Monday, 3 = Tuesday, 4 = Wednesday, 5 = Thursday, 6 = Friday and 7 = Saturday.
To count days of week for the date range, for example, to count Fridays in the November holidays (range B2:B5), do one of the following:
To use the COUNTIF formula
1. Add new column (or row) for the range and insert the formula:
= WEEKDAY (<date>):

2. Use the formula COUNTIF (<data range>, criteria) with the following parameters:
= COUNTIF (D2:D5, "=6"):
= COUNTIF (D2:D5, "="&F6):

To use the SUMPRODUCT formula
This formula is more complex, but doesn't need any additional calculation:
= SUMPRODUCT (-- (WEEKDAY (B2:B5) = 6))
= SUMPRODUCT (-- (WEEKDAY (B2:B5) = E7)):

Whenever you put -- (two hyphens) in the front of the parenthesis, it changes all the values TRUE / FALSE in the array in the parenthesis to the values 1 / 0. So:
- the formula (WEEKDAY (<date range>) = 6) returns the array of TRUE and FALSE,
- (-- <array>) returns array of 1 and 0 instead of TRUE and FALSE,
- SUMPRODUCT just sums all values of an array.
See also this tip in French: Comment compter les jours de la semaine dans la plage de dates.