Chart in Excel 2016

How to create a simple histogram chart in Excel

A histogram chart is often confused with a bar chart because it displays data using bars of different heights. The 'true' histogram chart shows the distribution of numerical data. Each bar of the histogram represents the count of data values within the specified range. See more about different types of histogram charts in Excel.

How to create an axis with subcategories

Excel offers a lot of different tricks to create great informative charts and diagrams. A lot of the useful adjustments related to the axis. E.g., you can hide an axis, use primary and secondary axis, change the presentation of data on the axis, etc.

Unrealized Gain and Loss

For the analysis of the investment portfolio, it is helpful to see the unrealized gain or loss. These amounts show how many you will receive or lose if you realize all available stocks right now. Sure, there are some fees for the operations that can decrease gain or increase loss, but, at least, you want to see the least approximate amounts:

The Area chart for Investments

Many financial and non-financial companies like Yahoo provide investment portfolio tracking services but do not offer the ability to change the appearance of the charts. Microsoft Excel gives you full flexibility by providing different types of customizable charts. E.g., there are a few variations of the Area chart for tracking the value and costs of your portfolio.

How to highlight a data point

One of the essential parts of any work with data is presenting results. You can use many different charts, diagrams in Microsoft Excel or PowerPoint.

Progressively create a Gantt chart in Excel

A Gantt chart is one of the most popular tools in project management. It illustrates project schedules by showing activities, like tasks and events, against time.

How to create a flowchart with SmartArt

A flow chart usually shows steps in a task, process, or workflow. There are many different SmartArt templates predefined in Excel that you can use to illustrate the process, including some complex templates with pictures.

How to make your data changes in the chart more informative

Simple line and bar charts often attract little or no interest in the audience. Still, Excel allows you to attract attention to your data by emphasizing change direction, difference, or period.

Improve axes format in Excel

Very few Excel users pay attention to the chart axes, but there are some tricks with axes that will help you to improve your visualizations with little or no efforts.

How to combine different data in one chart

To make your data more information, you can combine different chars in many ways.