How to create a citation

Word 365 2016 2013 2010 2003
Either you do your scientific research work at school or college, or write an article to the reputable magazine you need to reference sources of your information. To simplify this hard work Word 2007 provides you automatic tools for inserting citations.

To insert a citation by adding a new source, do the following:

   1.   Place the cursor where you want to insert the citation.

   2.   On the References tab, in the Citations & Bibliography group, click the Insert Citation button:

Citations and Bibliography in Word 2007

   3.   In the Insert Citation list, select Add New Source... to open the Create Source dialog box:

Create Source in Word 2007

   4.   In the Type of Source list, select the type of source. The dialog box fields will vary depending on the source selected.

   5.   Enter the source information in the fields. To display all fields for bibliography information, turn on the option Show All Bibliography Fields:

Show All Bibliography Fields in Word 2007

Complete as many fields as possible to ensure that you have adequate information for both the citation(s) and the bibliography (How to create a bibliography, see Create a bibliography).

   6.   Click OK. A source reference enclosed in parentheses is inserted at the location of the insertion point.

If the source information is not readily available, you can create a placeholder and insert the source information at a later time. To insert a placeholder for a citation, click the Insert Citation button and select Add New Placeholder...:

Placeholder Name in Word 2007

Word automatically provides the name Placeholder1, you can change it if desired.

To edit source, click in the source field and then click to the down arrow:

Edit in Word 2007

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