How to add text to the connector in the flowchart

Word 365
When you create the process flow chart, process map, business flow diagram, or data flow diagrams and UML activity diagrams, you often need to add some text or labels to the connectors. Unlike many other free and commercial diagram drawing packages, Microsoft Office shapes provide extremely rich text formatting features.
Connectors with texts in Word 2016

To add labels to the connector, do the following:

   1.   Create the text box by using one of the following ways:

  • On the Insert tab, in the Text group, click the Text Box button:
    Text Box in Text group in Word 2016
  • Select the connector to which you want to add text, and then under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Insert Shapes group, click the Text Box button:
    Draw Text Box in Insert Shapes group in Word 2016

   2.   Add the text to the text box and format it:

Connector with text in Word 2016

See also this tip in French: Comment ajouter le texte ou étiquettes au connecteur dans l'organigramme.

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