Adjusting spacing and alignment in an equation

Word 365 2013 2010 2007 2003
Word 2016 automatically handles formatting; nonetheless, you can manually adjust the spacing and alignment of equations.

How to add an equation in your document, see Working with Microsoft Equation.

In Word 2016, you can adjust the spacing and alignment in an equation like a regular text. The unique format is using for a matrix equation.

To adjusting spacing and alignment in a matrix equation, do the following:

   1.   Select any simple element of your matrix (not the fraction or so on). See how to insert an equation with matrix.

   2.   Right-click in the selected item and:

  • To change spacing, choose Matrix Spacing... in the popup menu:
    Matrix Spacing in Word 2016

    Word opens the Matrix Alignment and Spacing dialog box:

    Matrix spacing in Word 2016

    You can change any parameters and click OK.

  • To change the matrix alignment, choose Matrix Alignment in the popup menu:
    Matrix Alignment in Word 2016
  • You can also change the column alignment by choosing Column Alignment in the popup menu:
    Column Alignment in Word 2016

See also this tip in French: Ajuster l'espacement et l'alignement dans une équation.

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