Align text vertically on the page

You can align text between the top and bottom margins of a page if the text on the page does not fill the page. For example, centering text vertically often improves the appearance of short business letters or report cover pages.

Table of Figures and Table of Contents switches

Word inserts a Table of Contents and Table of Figures as a TOC field (see how to work with fields in Word). The TOC field collects entries for an appropriate Table using Heading styles, other specified styles, captions, or Table of Contents Entries.

Navigating in the document

In Word, if a document is too long or too wide, problems arise with editing and even positioning the cursor to the desired page, section, picture, equation, etc. Fortunately, Word offers a very convenient feature for jumping between elements of the specific type: from heading to heading, from page to page, or from picture to picture, etc.

How to create and modify Tables of Contents

When you work with a long Word document that includes headings, you may want or need to meet the requirements for creating a Table of Contents or several Tables of Contents. The Table of Contents lists the headings in a document, along with the numbers of the pages where the headings appear.

Using automatic hyphenation

Hyphens play two essential roles in writing – they break single words into parts on syllable boundaries (optional hyphens), and they join separate words into a single word (mandatory hyphens). In the Automatic hyphenation mode, Microsoft Word automatically detects syllable boundaries and inserts optional hyphens for words at the end of the line. If you edit the text in a way that the hyphenated word is no longer at the end of the line, Word removes the optional hyphen.

How to change orientation of one page in Word

Page orientation defines the direction for printing or displaying the document in Word, but one does not have to be the same for the entire document. Usually, the whole article, paper, or report is printed in the Portrait mode, but for a page with the big table, it is more convenient to use the Landscape mode. On the Layout tab in the Page Setup group, you can easily change the page orientation both for the entire document and for a single page. Microsoft Word inserts sections breaks before and after the selected page, and you can add more pages to this section later.

Insert footnotes and endnotes

Footnotes are short notes at the bottom of the page that provide explanations, additional comments, or an understanding of a particular word or phrase in the document content. Endnotes are the same as footnotes but appear at the end of an entire section or document.

How to customize Table of Contents

Table of Contents entries use nine levels of the pre-defined TOC styles (TOC 1, TOC 2, etc.) for formatting. All TOC styles extend the Body style of the document theme, but each TOC style has a specific indent and spacing settings. By default, Word uses the styles defined in the template attached to the document (by default, the template is normal.dotx):

How to create different headers and footers for pages with portrait and landscape orientation in Word

When you create a document with different page orientations (see How to use different page orientations inside one document), you might need to create different headers and/or footers for pages with portrait and landscape orientation.

Design a table in Word

If the document contains tables, it must be formatted according to the requirements accepted by your college, university, company, established on the project, etc. Most requirements, including accessibility, tell that tables should contain titles, column headers, alternate text, etc. In addition, tables must be correctly positioned on the page, using the pre-defined alignment, padding, and text-wrapping guidelines.